Learning Lions

Mrs Nesbitt

Mrs Nesbitt, assistant head teacher, English Lead


Mrs Berrisford


Meet the Class

Key Stage 1 Welcome To Information

Class Letters

Missed any class letters? Don't worry, you can now view any letters that the class teacher has sent out, here!

Learning at Home


All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home which can be used to support their learning.

Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28034 Password: kingsfield

TT Rockstars – Passwords can be found in the back of your Home School Links Book.

Education City - Passwords can be found in the back of your Home School Links Book.

Rising Stars - Passwords can be found in the back of your Home School Links Book.  This website has online books to read at your child's reading level.  Please ask your child's teacher if you need more books to be allocated to your child.


Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:

Phonicsplay.co.uk  You can access a range of phonics games in the free area of the site without signing up.

Teachyourmonstertoread.com – free sign up online. This is a great website to support your child in learning to read.

Oxfordowl.co.uk – free sign up online for a range of free online e-books.




Mr T's Phonics with Geraldine the Giraffe - www.youtube.com/channel/UC7sW4j8p7k9D_qRRMUsGqyw If your child is struggling with a phonics sound this YouTube channel has all of the sounds taught and the children love it!