The Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

Children are taught with the emphasis on learning through play. We maintain a high ratio of teaching staff to pupils and facilities inside and outside provide exceptional learning experiences for our children.

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

We continue to provide a broad, balanced curriculum in Key Stage 1 with an emphasis on teaching English and mathematics. We develop reading and writing through a phonics based programme and equip our children with the basics that will enable them to take the Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) at the end of Year 2.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 4)

Within Key Stage 2, children continue to follow the National Curriculum developing their independent learning skills which will equip them for their next stage of education.

On leaving school we aim to have created confident, well rounded individuals who enjoy learning and have met and hopefully exceeded National expectations relevant to their own stage of development.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum has been designed with our school context, resources and pupils in mind. Please find below our curriculum intent statement which clarifies our approaches, priorities and rationale, linked to our key drivers.

Early Years Overviews

Key Stage 1 & 2 Subject Overview

Subject Specific Information