At Kingsfield, across Key Stage 1 and 2, Mathematics is immersed into the curriculum and is taught daily in a Maths lessons which is predominantly taught in the morning and through cross curricular links where possible to embed knowledge and skills. As stated within our intent, at Kingsfield we teach Mathematics through […]
Category Archives: Latest News
Teaching of Early Mathematics
At Kingsfield, Mathematics is immersed into the curriculum and is taught within guided groups or embedded within the continuous provision at least once a day and links can be made cross the curriculum throughout the day. Below gives you more information to what Mathematics looks like in each year group. Children are assessed […]
Smart Uniform – Special Orders
Special Orders – Smart School Uniform
Mrs Nesbitt Week 6
Learning Lions Friday 15.05.20
School May Update
C19 May update letters to parents
Mrs Nesbitt Week 5
Learning Lions Thursday 07.05.20
Lockdown Tips
How to cope with lockdown – tips from a counsellor Wellbeing activities from Visyon, counselling service 01260290000 4.5.20 Wellbeing activities from Visyon counselling service 01260290000 week commencing 11.05.20 Wellbeing activities from Visyon counselling service – contact 01260 290000 week commencing 18.05.20
Nursery Week 4
Nursery daily learning week 4 day 5Nursery daily learning week 4 day 4Nursery daily learning week 4 day 3Nursery daily learning week 4 day 2Nursery daily learning week 4 day 1