Year 2 Weekly Planning Week Beginning 1st June
Category Archives: Latest News
James Bateman School Day Timings Consultation Letter
Mrs Tomlinson Week 7
Types of Sentences PPT 180520 Neil Armstrong PPT Monday 18th May Tuesday 19th May Wednesday 20th May Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May
How to help at home
You can never help too much with Mathematics and practicing at home is a great way to embed children’s knowledge, enabling them to master their learning. A great way to engage children at home with Maths is to play games. Matching pairs, snap, sorting numbers or quick fire can all be ways to help teach […]
Year progression
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
How you can help at home
It’s never too early to explore numbers, counting or shape with your child. Real life often provides the best opportunities to develop maths skills and talking about numbers around you early and often will highlight to your child that numbers, counting and shape are part of everyday life. There are lots of fun and easy […]
Problem Solving and Reason
At Kingsfield, we teach a variety of problem-solving strategies which enable children to make sense of unfamiliar situations and tackle them intelligently. Class teachers will seek opportunities for teaching problem solving strategies and more open ended investigations that reinforce the unit of learning and encourage children to use their reasoning skills. Within this, children will […]
Multiplication Test
The multiplication check gives the children a series of 25 questions all involving their times table (all multiply not divide). This is an online check and can be completed on an IPad, computer or laptop. For each question children will have 6 seconds to read, work out and type their answer before the next question […]
Assessment in Mathematics
At Kingsfield, Maths is assessed regularly and monitored on the school tracking system three times a year. However, children’s progress is continually reviewed, from the moment they begin their lesson, to the implementation through cross curricular links to make a well-rounded judgments and to allow movement between ability groups, to ensure planning and lessons […]
Mathematical Vocabulary
At Kingsfield, we understand that mathematical language is crucial to children’s mathematical thinking so we introduce new words from the curriculum in a suitable context, with relevant real objects, mathematical apparatus, pictures and/or diagrams, explaining their meanings carefully. Key vocabulary used in a unit of work are displayed on the Maths working walls to […]