School Based Intervention

Please click the link below to find out more about interventions at Kingsfield First School Interventions

Speech and Language

At Kingsfield we recognise the importance of Speech, Language and Communication as an essential skill for learning and building friendships. The following information has been put together to give you information regarding the process and support for this. Pathway Stoke Speaks Out Staged Pathway How can you support your child at home?  Speech and Language […]


Year 2 Weekly Planning 29.06.20 Year 1 29.06.20 (WORD) Monday 290620 (PDF) Mr Men Go To London PPT (PDF) Monday PPT Warm (PDF) Great Fire of London PPT (PDF) ——————————————— Tuesday 300620 (WORD) Tuesday 300620 (PDF) Half and Quarter Turn PPT (PDF) ——————————————— Wednesday 010720 (WORD) Wednesday 010720 (PDF) G F O L Information PPT […]

Useful Websites

 Oxford Owl MathsFrame Top marks The Maths Factor  BBC Bitesize Maths Games  Num Bots TTrockstars