Current Coronavirus Guidance and School Response Monday March 16th  8 p.m.


Current Coronavirus Guidance and School Response

Monday March 16th  8 p.m.

Following updated Government advice, our schools have cancelled any activities they currently deem unnecessary such as:

  • Assemblies
  • Trips
  • Parent engagement activities
  • Visits from other schools
  • Extra curricular activities
  • All lettings

Lunchtime arrangements are under review but will remain normal in terms of provision.

Our care club facilities will remain open but under review on a daily basis.

The current advice is that schools will remain open.

New Guidance (16.03.2020) is:


  • Anyone who has a new persistent cough or a temperature of 37.8C or above and anyone who lives with them should stay at home for 14 days
  • People should minimise social contact and avoid public transport, pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues
  • People should start working from home where they possibly can
  • Those over 70 or those who have a significant health condition such as heart disease and lung disease as well as women who are pregnant need to take extra care to minimise social contact for 12 weeks from the end of this week
  • Only use the NHS when we really need to
  • From tomorrow government will no longer be “supporting” mass gatherings using emergency workers


Our schools are taking all of the necessary precautions including increased handwashing and sanitising as well as thorough cleaning of high traffic areas.

The health and safety of our children and our staff remains our highest priority in this challenging period. Rest assured we will update you as soon as we receive any more information.

Please also refer to our current risk assessment and guidance on our website.